Selecting an experienced real estate attorney: Check this guide!

North Carolina requires an attorney at the closing of real estate transactions. The buyer’s attorney will check over the closing, and the same attorney can choose to work with the seller, as well. Dealing in real estate is often overwhelming – Just think of the number of people you have to interact with while buying a home. From brokers to mortgage agents and attorneys to sellers, you have a long list. You need someone who can protect your interests, which is the exact reason to hire an experienced real estate attorney. Here’s what you need to know about hiring a real estate attorney in Monroe NC.
Ask questions
As a client, you need to know if a real estate attorney is worth your time, and it is more than a mandatory requirement. The best step is to ask a few questions when you meet the attorney for the first time. You can ask things like-
- How long have you been practicing as a real estate attorney?
- Do you know the ins and outs of real estate laws in NC?
- Have you worked in this part of Monroe?
- Do you have experience with titles similar to this?
- Will you share a few references?
If the law firm has shared references, call a few of their clients to know more about their experience.
Costs and fee
Most real estate attorneys charge a flat fee for closings, but it also depends on the kind of work they do. For instance, if the attorney is doing specific tasks, they may charge by the hour. Do ask the costs and fees involved in closing the real estate deal, especially because it adds to the overall cost of your new home investment.
Meeting your attorney
The first meeting with a real estate attorney is the most important one. You are expected to ask questions for sure, but do let the attorney explain all details. Also, do ask them to check the title and all related documents, so that your investment remains viable. They should help you with mortgage terms and other things related to the contract with the seller. If the seller has hired an attorney, your real estate attorney should interact and discuss things with them as needed.
Check online now to find more on real estate attorneys in Monroe and ask for an appointment to take things further. Do ensure that the same attorney will represent you and not a junior.